2023 Eğitim Vizyonu Belgesi’nin Eğitime Getirdiği Yeniliklerin Okul Yönetimi ve Öğretmenler Bağlamında İncelenmesi


  • Ali Öz Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
  • Betül Öz Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
  • Oktay Özden Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
  • Havva Özden Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı


In this study, the innovations brought by the 2023 Education Vision document published by the Ministry of National Education to education in the context of school management were examined. In this context, the decisions of the 18th National Education Council, which were its source, were examined in order to have a full grasp of the document discussed. In the research, in which the document scanning method was used to collect the data, the content written in the 18th council decision and the vision document was taken as a basis. Document analysis method was used in the research. The extent to which the council decisions and the vision document overlap was examined, and the situations of administrators and teachers, including assignment, personnel, career, legal status, status, working environment, professional development and workload, were presented in detail in the 2023 Education Vision Document. In the examination, it was seen that all the decisions of the Council were not reflected in the vision document, but only in the form of recommendations. In the vision document, it was revealed that administrators and teachers would gain new achievements in such cases, and it was included in the document that the teaching profession law that would allow the gains would be enacted. The enactment of such a law was welcomed by the education circles, but the fact that no progress could be made in this regard in the last 3 years has increased the expectation even more.
Keywords: Education Vision, Council Decisions, school administrator, teacher.



How to Cite

Öz , A., Öz, B., Özden , O., & Özden , H. (2024). 2023 Eğitim Vizyonu Belgesi’nin Eğitime Getirdiği Yeniliklerin Okul Yönetimi ve Öğretmenler Bağlamında İncelenmesi. Ulusal Özgün Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 91–108. Retrieved from https://ulusalegitimdergisi.com/index.php/pub/article/view/21